Sunday, August 22, 2021

Lord’s Day: August 22, 2021

Dear Neighbor,

I just read Romans 7-8. I am amazed that so much can be said in so few words. To think that a man wrote these words, and yes a man did write these words, but they were inspired by God. I could write this morning about the words written in Romans 7-8, and I considered doing so, but it is the word of God that amazes me. Why is the epistle to the Romans or any other book in the Bible considered Scripture? 

The Greek word Theopneustos is rendered “inspired by God” in 2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB) but the word literally means God breathed. (Theos, “God,” pneo, “to breathe”) I love to read the Scriptures because when doing so, I am taking in the very breath of God.

I hope that you have a wonderful Lord’s Day today. I do not know where you are on the earth but I pray that you will be inspired by God’s word in all that you do this week.

Michael Peek
Your Servant for Jesus’ Sake