Thursday, August 26, 2021

Compassion in Care

Dear Neighbor,

Life on the earth is not easy and happiness is often situational. Job was happy in his situation but when all of his children, possessions and health were taken away from him he was in anguish, he suffered day and night. Job’s friends were no help in comforting him, they assumed that God took the lives of his children because they had sinned against God, and God took Job’s possessions and health because he was not trusting in God.

I can relate to both Job and his friends because I have been in the place of each. We as nurses often see the plight of our patients and think that their situation is because of life choices. Our term for this is noncompliant. We will say in report, “X in room Y is noncompliant.” 

I have personally lost a great deal. My children are living but they are not following the way of the Lord. My body is getting older and has many aches and pains. I slept well last night but I often have dreams that disturb me during the night, and some nights I toss and turn. My job is very difficult physically, mentally and psychologically.  I do not say spiritually because I know the Lord God through the Word and by the Spirit. 

Spirit is not emotion as some relate spirituality. Spirit is knowing the Lord our God because God is Spirit; therefore, Spirit is knowing the Lord our God. God is Father and Son and Holy Spirit. This is an aside, but an important to know the distinction.

Love your patients regardless of their situation or perception of how they got into the predicament that they are in. A Christian nurse needs to care physically, mentally, psycho-socially and spiritually for our patients.

Your Servant for Jesus’ Sake