Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Worship Songs

Dear Neighbor,

I truly love mornings and my favorite of the week is Sunday morning. Daily I send time in prayer, I read the word, and I write a letter to you my neighbor, but on Sunday morning I send time in fellowship of the word with others. First, we enjoy a time of Bible study and then a time of corporate worship. Call to worship at Sylvania Church usually begins with a reading of one of the Psalms, followed by a set of worship songs. There is an interlude and prayer. During prayer, the pastor will either adapt one of the Psalms as a prayer or he will read a historical prayer from the Valley of Vision. After the interlude more worship songs are song by the congregation, then the pastor preaches expositorily from a text of Scripture, picking up where he left off the week before. 

When I say that I enjoy Sunday morning, I must confess that I really enjoy everything that I have mentioned except for the singing of worship songs. Sunday morning Bible study, the call to worship, public reading of a Psalm, the interlude in which a Psalm is adapted as a prayer or a historical prayer from the Valley of Vision, and the exposition of Scripture, I truly love, but why do I not enjoy the corporate singing of worship songs? I am primarily not a musical person but I think that it goes much deeper than that. Some how it feels disconnected from the Word. Everything else is about the Word but these songs seem disconnected. These songs are written by Christians but they just are not Scripture and it is the Word of God that I truly love.

I am not suggesting anything to you by what I am writing this morning but more or less putting my thoughts down in text; thus exposing my idiosyncrasies.

Your Servant for Jesus’ Sake