Tuesday, February 23, 2021

In Christ Alone

They are satisfied with children,
And leave their abundance to their babes.
As for me, I shall behold Your face in righteousness;
I will be satisfied with Your likeness when I awake. (Ps. 17:14b,15)

I have mentioned this Psalm before because it’s content is ever present on my mind. What is most important in life? If everything is striped away would you still have joy? I am not asking for the Sunday school answer, but really think about it.

In the movie “Overcomer,” one of the characters asked another character: “Who are you?” The second character gave several answers before finally answering, “I am a Christian.” Once he answered, “I am a Christian,” the first character asked a follow up question. “What does it mean to be a Christian?” The second character answered, “A follower of Christ?” The first character replied, “Interesting, how far down the list.” 

Now this movie is fiction and the characters in it are fictional, but it was written to make a point. The point being that whatever is most important to us will be our identity. When other things are taken from us, it gives us perspective. I have thought about this a great deal lately. What is most important in my life? Would I be satisfied with riches? Would I be satisfied with fame? Would I be satisfied with children and grandchildren? 

A follow up question that I have been thinking about: Why do christians suffer? I could ask why do bad things happen to good people, or why do the righteous suffer, but I do not believe that any are righteous or good. However, I do believe that all are justified through the sin sacrifice of Jesus Christ by faith. If Christ has defeated sin, suffering and death on our behalf, why do christians suffer? 

Psalm 17 and much of Scripture indicate that God wants his people to be satisfied in Christ alone.