Thursday, February 11, 2021

February 11th in the Year of Our Lord, 2021

I was thinking and praying to the Father this morning about the strangeness of the past year. In September, 2019, I went to Cuba as a Biblical Training Center for Pastors (BTCP) missionary to teach pastors and church leaders on the island. I went to Cuba with a man who had been teaching pastors and church leaders there, from the BTCP curriculum for over 20 years. Then a series of events occurred that showed us that showed us that we are not the ones in charge; God does what he wants to do, when and how he wants to do it.
We held a one week seminar on Bible Doctrine Survey but were not able to complete that study in a week. 

The BTCP curriculum consists of 10 books (studies) for training pastors and church leaders who are not able to attend a formal seminary. Bible Doctrine Survey is one of the largest courses in the BTCP curriculum; therefore, we divided it into two seminars. We were to return to Cuba in December of 2019 to teach the second half of Bible Doctrine Survey but the Cuban government denied our religious visas. However, they would allow us to come to the island twice a year. We were planning a return trip in the spring of 2020 but the COVID-19 pandemic hit; therefore, al travel into Cuba ceased and continues to remain closed a year latter.

This morning I read Job 12-13. In chapter 12, one of Job’s friends scathes job for wanting to question God about his actions towards Job. In chapter 13 Job explained that God’s actions are often arbitrary. Job’s friends believed that Job was suffering because of something was doing or had done. They believed that if Job would repent, God would forgive him and bless him. However, Job believed that he had done nothing wrong; therefore, he desired to question God about his actions. 

Even the world of nature—the beasts and the birds and the fish—shows God’s arbitrariness in destroying some and protecting others. (Job 12:7-12, BBC)

Not only has life been strange because the ministry that I thought I had been called to has been put on hold; but for the last year, my work as a Critical Care Registered Nurse has become much more difficult and strange. Fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ has been much more difficult. We have been estranged from family and friends. The waywardness of our children has become apparent. The past year has been strange indeed. I do not know what the immediate future holds, but I am trusting the word of God; Christ will return and there will be a new heaven and new earth in which righteousness reigns.