Friday, October 8, 2021

October 8, 2021

Dear Neighbor,

Jesus was the master of analogy, metaphor and hyperbole; in doing so, he would state something that had to be payed attention too.

In Mark 13:37, Jesus said to the disciples: “Be on the alert!” In Mark 13:33-37, Jesus had used the metaphor of a man away on a journey who put his slaves in charge of various task in his household. These slaves had to be ready, in a moment, to receive their master home. Everything must be kept in order to receive him and the tasks that each was assigned to he must be found doing.

The Lord Jesus Christ will return on a day and hour of the Father’s choosing. No man knows the day or hour. Neither the angels in heaven or even the Son of God; only the Father God knows. But that day will come and what will the Lord find you doing when he returns?

In the parable, Mark 13:33-37, Jesus is the man away on a journey, and the disciples are his slaves in charge, assigned each one his task. Every christian has a job assigned him by the master of the house. We are justified by the grace of God alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone; however, we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. (Eph.2:10)

Your Servant for Jesus’ Sake