Thursday, May 7, 2020

Psalms 120-132

Psalms 120-132

What does it mean?
There may be trouble in our lives caused by those around us, this should lead us to pray to the Lord. The Lord is above all our troubles. As one body, we should give thanks to the Lord. We cannot demand anything from God but hope in his lovingkindness. Look to what the Lord has done in the past for hope in the present. In the end we can trust that God will judge the world in righteousness. We should trust in the Lord’s deliverance. Whatever we do comes to nothing if the Lord is not behind it; however, our children are a gift from God. The truly blessed man has a family and lives to see his grandchildren. If we are persecuted now, trust that the enemy will be put down in days to come. We can trust the Lord’s promise of forgiveness of sins through redemption. We should have child like trust in the promises of the Lord and not try to understand things that are to difficult for us to comprehend. The Son of David (Jesus Christ) is on the thrown and his enemies will be put to shame.

What shall I do?
When I have trouble, regardless from where the trouble comes, I shall call on the name of the Lord for help. I shall look up because the Lord is above all of my troubles. The Lord is above all men on the earth no matter how great they think they are. I shall read the word of the Lord to know his character. I shall look to the past to know how he may act in my present situation. I have been struggling as of late on my place in life. I am a middle aged man entering the last stage of his career. You would think that I would be comfortable but I confess that I am not. I have a graduate degree in theological studies but I work at the beside as a Registered Nurse. My calling is two-fold: honor God and seek the best for my neighbor. As a child trust his mother I shall trust the Lord. Trust is the main thing! I had ideas of doing great things for the Lord but if the Lord is not in it, my work is vanity. I understand this. I trust that the Lord has something for me to do before I reach old age and I shall rest in the Lord until he reveals his will for this later stage of life.