Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Proverbs 30-31

What does it say?
Proverbs 30 - It is the Son of God who ascended into heaven and descended, gathers the wind in his hand and established everything. What is the name of the son of God? Agur knows that the words of God are true and asks two things of Him: To keep deception and lies from him and to not give him either riches or poverty but exactly what he needs to live to keep him from evil. There is a kind of man who curses his father and mother, who thinks that he is noble, and who devours the needy, Leeches are always wanting and never giving. These four are always wanting more: Sheol, the barren womb, dry earth and fire. There are four things that Agur does not understand: the flight of the eagle, how a snake gets on a rock, how a ship floats and the love of man for woman. There four things that shake the earth: a slave who comes to power, a fool who is satisfied, a woman who gets a husband, and a maid servant who supplants her mistress. Four small things that are very wise: ants, rock animals, locusts and the lizard. Four stately things: the lion, the rooster, the male goat, and a king with his army. If you have exalted yourself or plotted evil stop because this will only result in strife. 
Proverbs 31 - King Lemuel’s mother taught him not to give his strength to women and other things that destroy kings, like drinking; he needs to be concerned righteous judgment and defended the rights of the weak. She teaches him what a worthy woman looks like: she takes care of her household, her servants, brings in earnings, gives to the poor, she clothes her household for winter, she clothes herself with the things that she makes and also sells them to others, she is strong and dignified, she teaches her children to be kind, and she is never idol. Do not chase after outwardly beautiful women but seek for a wife a woman who loves the Lord.

What does it mean?
Jesus is the Son of God for he ascended to heaven and descended, the Father has given all things into his hand and all things were created through Him. All of these are attributed to Jesus in the Prologue, John 1:1-18 and John 3 during his discourse with Nicodemus and John the Baptist’s testimony. There is good reason that Jesus said it is difficult for the rich to enter into the kingdom. Not being in need can keep you from prayer. However, being poor can cause you to steal from your neighbor. It is about loving God with all of ones heart, soul and mind; also, loving ones neighbor as one’s self. It is evil to curse father and mother and take from those in need. Are you always taking and never giving? Death always takes and never gives. If you are always taking and never giving you are like death. The way a man loves his wife is beautiful. Marriage is given from above. Observing the smallest creatures is an interesting thing to do. They do not have the ability to reason, yet they do what needs to be done for their community. Why do people who have reason not do what is best for the community? Powerful things are able to strut about and for good reason, who can challenge them? But is your power dependent on the strength of others? Then why are you so proud? Womanizing and drinking are distractions. One’s concern needs to be for others. The godly woman takes care of everyone and everything in her home. The best wife that a man can have is one who loves the Lord.

What shall I do?
I know that Jesus is the Son of God from the eye witness testimony of the apostle John 1-21 and the testimony of the Holy Spirit. (Jn.15:26,27) For this reason, my personal evangelism is to promote the reading of John’s book, so others may know Jesus the Christ, the Son of God. I have more than I need; therefore, I shall be careful to keep my eyes on the Lord and not become proud or walk about stately. I shall be concerned with the needs of those around me and not be distracted by vain things. The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful wife who loves the Lord. She has a deep concern for our household and for our children though they have grown. I am thankful for the wife God has given me. I could have no better than Darlene.