Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Job 29-31

What does it say?
Job’s past was glorious. When Job walked in the market place men stood before him and their mouths were hushed. However, Jobs present state is humiliating. Job is taunted by fools. Job calls out to God for help but he does not answer or come to his aide. Job asserts his integrity. Job believes that he should be judged righteously. Job believes that if he has done wrong he should be punished but asserts that he has lived righteously. Job speaks of the commandments while stating what he has done and what he has not done. 

What does it mean?
It is often the case that we honor our past and lament the present. Job’s past was glorious and his present state is humiliating; however, Job is not really humble because he boast in self-righteousness. 

What should I do?
I remember having a young wife who adored me and children who looked up to me. Our children have grown and no longer listen to my word; however, my wife remains at my side. We often remember the past together and lament the present. Neither of our children have married and given us grandchildren. We look at others who have had weddings for their children and are now enjoying grandchildren. We wonder why we cannot have the same. The past was not as glorious as we remember and the present is not as bad as we make it out to be. The Lord God has blessed us far beyond what we deserve. In fact, we deserve death and eternal punishment for our sins committed against God. Therefore, we should fall to the ground and worship the Lord saying, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
And naked I shall return there.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the LORD.” (Job 1:21)