Sunday, July 15, 2018


A gospel conversation need not be punitive, condescending or longwinded. A gospel conversation can be part of our everyday conversation. A gospel conversation should always purpose to honor God, exalt Jesus Christ and seek the best for one’s neighbor. A gospel conversation can be used to encourage and build up. We should admonish the unruly, but we should also encourage the fainthearted, help the week and be patient with everyone. (cf. 1 Thes 5:11-14)

I would like to share a conversation that I had last week and would like to make gospel conversations a regular part of my blog:
  1. To embolden myself to seek out gospel centered conversations. 
  2. To embolden you to seek gospel centered conversations.
Edmundo was a runner when he lived in Las Angeles; therefore, we had the love of running in common. I unbuttoned his shirt to expose his chest to my stethoscope. While listening to his breath sounds and heart tones a crucifix came into view. I asked him about his experiences as a runner in Las Angeles of which he was delighted to share with me. Later, when I reentered the room to administer his medications he resumed the conversation:

Edmundo: “As tall as you are, I bet that you can run five-minute miles.

Mike: “I use to, but I have slowed a great deal with age.”

Edmundo: “How old are you?”

Mike: “Fifty.”

Edmundo: “I’m seventy-five. I used to run marathons, 10k’s, 5k’s and such but I can’t run anymore since my hip was replaced.”

Mike: “Age certainly slows us down.”

Edmundo: “You know the old adage, ‘Life is hard, then you die.’”

Mike: “Praise God that Christ procured eternal life for us by his death and resurrection. Christ promised eternal life to all who believe in him. After the resurrection there will be no more pain and no more sorrow."

Edmundo: “I haven’t seen anyone come back from the dead.”

Mike: “Christ has risen from the dead witnessed by the apostles. Christ was the first to rise, but all the dead in Christ will rise when he returns.