Sunday, October 4, 2015

Three Hundred and One

Over 5 years ago on June 19, 2010, I wrote my first blog post titled; "Jesus the Fulfillment of God's Law".   Since then the Lord has allowed me to write 300 post, this will be my 301st post to "A Slave of Jesus Christ".  I do not know who or if anyone reads what the Lord has given me to write, but I have determined to write on this blog once a week.  I do hope that you get something out of my thoughts and reflections as I follow my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I am not a Theologian in the academic since, but I read and memorize the scriptures daily.  I am not a preacher in the since of a defined pulpit inside of an inner-sanctuary of respected persons who sit and listen to what I have to say about the Lord Jesus Christ.  I am an open-air preacher (street preacher), and even in that since I am not a very good one.  I do not like to debate or argue with people; if you listen to what the Lord has given me to say, glory be to God, and if you do not listen the Lord continues in His glory.

I started doing this in January of 2012 after reading a post about some men who had been stoned in the country of Nepal for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Then singing the song "I Surrender All to You" in church.  The Lord used this to convict me to go and tell people about Him.  The next day I wrote a blog called "Sick of Church" .  Don't let the title full you, because it is diffidently not anti-church.  In fact it is pro-church.  What I was sick of was saying that I was a follower of Jesus Christ and not actually dying to self and following Him.

 My ministry of late has been to go to Tyler Junior College and spend 2-3 hours on campus one day a week talking with the students about Jesus Christ; who He is, what He has promised, what He has done, what He is presently doing, and what He will do.  A wonderful brother in Christ by the name of Jason McMurray from First Baptist Lindale, TX, has been joining me there on Wednesday mornings.  My church home is Sylvania Church in Tyler, TX.  I could not be doing this alone!

I like to begin by preaching the message that is linked on this page; "Who is Jesus?", then over the next 2 hours recite chapters out of the Gospel of John, pass out Gospels of John, and talk with students about the Lord.  It has truly been a wonderful time serving the Lord and loving my neighbor.  I hope that the Lord allows me to continue in this ministry for many years to come.  As the apostle Paul said, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." (Gal 1:21 [NASB])

In Christ alone,
Mike Peek

Salvation from the wrath of God that we all deserve for our sin is a gift, by His grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.