Saturday, March 10, 2012

“What is man that You are mindful of him”

The Psalmist wrote many years ago, “What is man that You are mindful of him”. I am so thankful for a loving God who is mindful of this man. Sometimes I am just overwhelmed with the love of God, then other times I’m crushed by the magnitude of sin that I have committed in my life time against a perfect and Holy God. While at the same time loathing myself because of my sins I have peace because there is no condemnation for my sins. I know that I don’t deserve it and yet He has saved me; and the way He has saved me completely humbles me and brings me to my knees. Think about this, God became a man; Holy God became a man and dwelt among us. Why would He do that? People often times consider themselves better than other people because of race, economics, or education to be better than another person; and I have to admit this sinful man has done the same as well. Yet Holy God who is so far above any of us we can’t even begin to imagine “made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.” Seriously a Man, just like us, then the bible tells us that He never sinned, that goes beyond comprehension. Since God has given me a new heart, taking out my heart of stone and giving me a heart of flesh just a few years ago, my eyes have been open to what sin is. Jesus was obedient to the Father from the moment of His birth to His death. For us it is not that we have sinned in the past, we have sinned every moment of our lives. How you say, have you worshiped God with everything He deserves every moment of everyday? The bible tells us that He did this out of love. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” I’m telling you it completely overloads my mind. The first man Adam sinned and the world was condemned, the sin gene was passed from Adam into every single human being that has ever lived. The world is condemned, done for, over and out. But God loves us, so He took our punishment Himself which is death, dying alone total separation from God. Jesus and the Father had been in constant communication continues contact for all of eternity, yet right there on the cross God the Father forsook Him. Most of us have experienced the pain of the loss of a love one and I am telling you even that cannot compare with the loss Jesus felt when the Father forsook Him. And the prophet Isaiah tells us, “Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him”, LORD: here in the Hebrew is translated Yahweh. Oh the pain, complete and total pain the LORD felt and He did it out of love. God does not need us, He has no need of us, I have heard people say God created us because He was lonely, God is not lonely. God has the perfect relationship, a perfect union; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A union we cannot even begin to imagine. God created us for His glory; God loved us because He is love. I don’t think I will ever get over this, Thank You LORD.

Mike Peek a slave of Jesus Christ

Quotes and References: Psalm 8:4, John 1:14, Philippians 2:7, Romans 5:8, Isaiah 53:10