Saturday, November 19, 2011

Notice of changes to the blog “A Slave of Jesus Christ”

I have enjoyed memorizing, meditating on, and writing about my Lord Jesus Christ as given to us through “The Gospel According to John”. I have reached a point in this gospel where the stories become larger, some more so than others. For example, I have begun to memorize John chapter 4, the story of the Samaritan women at the well takes up the first 26 verses of this chapter, then Jesus teaching His disciples about the harvest takes up the next 12 verses, then a shorter story comprising 4 verses of the Samaritans believing because of the testimony of the Samaritan women. Each of these stories vary greatly in size some are short, some are long; since it has been set before me by God to memorize, then meditate on these scriptures before writing about them, some changes will have to be made going forward which I think are good, because it will give me time to take in all that God has for us in this wonderful gospel. I typically memorize about 4-5 verses a week, since the first full story in chapter 4 is 26 verses long it will take me six weeks to memorize meditate on and take in all that God has in store for me in this; therefore the next addition in writing specially on the Gospel According to John will happen in 5 weeks with the Samaritan women at the well. Each addition will vary in length between additions based on the overall length of the story. I will however continue to write every week. During the intervening weeks between additions to the Gospel According to John, I will write about all the things that God has put on my heart to write about. So come back in 5 weeks for the Samaritan women at the well, but in the interim I hope you enjoy the things that God has laid upon my heart.

God Bless and Trust alone in Jesus Christ,
Mike Peek