Monday, May 6, 2019

Life on Mission

As a Christian, I desire to preach the gospel to the lost but as a nurse, I have found doing so difficult, because people in the hospital are in a place of brokenness. I do not want to say something that will add to their suffering. I know that any method that excludes sin, righteousness and judgment ignores the reason a person needs the gospel. And any method that does not exhort unbelievers to repent and believe is frivolous. 

So, how can nurses share the gospel with hurting patients and their family without excluding the necessary elements of the gospel and be gracious while doing so? I would like to share a method that a Christian-Nurse or any Christian for that matter can use to preach the gospel to hurting people without excluding the necessary elements of the gospel and be gracious while doing so.
First, really listen, I have had many patients and family members of patients share their burdens with me. After listening to their burdens, ask if you can pray for them. After lifting up their needs to the Lord, ask if you can draw a picture for them. Grab a piece of paper, a napkin, a paper towel or any kind of scrap paper and on the upper left side write the words “GOD’S DESIGN,” and draw a circle around it.
Say: “In the beginning, things were not as they are now. When we look around, we can see beauty and evidence of God’s original design. God originally planned a world that worked perfectly, where there was no pain or sorrow. God made us to worship Him and He like a loving Father took care of us.” After saying this draw an arrow pointing away from the circle and write the word “SIN.”
Say: “Life does not work when we ignore God and His original design. Sin is seeking to live life our own way. The consequence for sin is separation from God, in this life, and for all eternity.” Then at the point of the arrow, write the word “BROKENNESS,” and draw a circle around it.
Say: “Sin leads to a place of brokenness. We see this in the world and in our own lives. People seek a way out of brokenness but are snapped back into brokenness as if a bungee cord is attached to our backs.” While saying this, draw squiggly arrows away from the circle and say: “The good thing about brokenness is that it causes us to realize something is wrong and we need something greater than our own way.” After saying this, at the bottom of the page write the word “GOSPEL,” and draw a circle around it.
Say: “We need some good news. God became a human being in the person of a Son, Jesus Christ and lived a perfect life according to God’s design. He took our sin and shame on the cross, paying the penalty for our sin. Then He rose from the dead, demonstrating the power of God over sin and death.” Now draw an arrow from brokenness to gospel and write the words “Repent & Believe.”
Say: “To repent & believe means to turn from trusting in your own way and trust in Jesus Christ alone.” After saying this, draw an arrow from gospel to God’s design and write the words “RECOVER & PURSUE.”
Say: “Once you repent & believe, you can pursue God’s design in all areas of life. This does not mean that life will be easy, but you will have a right relationship with God. All who are in Christ Jesus have a reconciled relationship with God. His word and Spirit empower us to pursue His design and assures us of eternal life in the new heaven and new earth; and He will wipe away every tear from our eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain.”
As a Christian-Nurse, I love serving my neighbor through nursing, but the greater need is to preach the gospel to the lost and disciple believers. I hope two things will occur with this National Nurse's Week post: 1) If you have not repented & believed, I hope that you do so today and begin pursuing God’s Design. 2) If you are a Christian, I hope that you use this method to share the gospel with a person who is in brokenness. All people are in some level of brokenness. You need not say exactly what I have said word for word and you may even need to add to it given the situation, but nonetheless you should use the principles in each step. You can down load an app to your phone at the Apple App Store or Google play to help you practice. Search Life Conversation Guide.1

In Christ alone,
Mike Peek

1 The method taught in this blog post is, 3 Circles: Life Conversation Guide | Life on Mission.” Joining the Everyday Mission of God. Accessed May 6, 2019.