Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Suffering and Death in the ICU

Suffering: The state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship.Death: The end of the life of a person.2 Intensive Care Unit: A department of a hospital in which patients who are dangerously ill are kept under constant observation.3
These past 5 days are an example of what my work has been like for the past 21 years: I worked 4, 12 ½ hour shifts. I took care of 10 persons, all of whom suffered but some greater than others. A woman 10 years younger than I suffered a myocardial infarction (heart attack); a woman suffered greatly in the intensive care unit for over a month then died; a woman went into cardio-pulmonary arrest outside the hospital, was resuscitated at the scene but has no cognitive brain function; 2 men suffered coronary artery bypass surgery; a man greatly debilitated and in much pain; 2 elderly people with dementia in pain from fractures; and a woman learned that she has kidney failure. 
For the past 21 years I have been a witness to unspeakable human suffering and death, but that’s not all; I inflicted much suffering to suffering people in a vain attempt to keep them from death. I assure you that the curse is as strong today as it was when Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden, but the curse is not permanent if you trust in Christ. 
The curse (suffering and death) are a result of sin. (Gn 3) Sin is lawlessness. (1 John 3:4) The cause of sin is temptation which comes from three sources: Satan, the world, and the flesh. (Mt 4:3, Jam 1:15, & Mk 4:19) Jesus defeated all of these in his incarnation: The law, Satan, the world, the flesh, sin, and the curse (suffering and death). Jesus was tempted by Satan, the world, and the flesh but never sinned. (Mt. 4:1-10 ) He took upon himself the condemnation for our sin; He suffered and died as a criminal in our place. On the third day Jesus defeated death and rose from the grave. Witnessed by the apostles risen from the dead. (1 Cor. 15:3-5) Jesus Christ is Lord, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him. (Mt. 28:18 ) He ascended to heaven and is promised to return. (Acts 1:9-11 ) When Jesus returns all the dead will rise. Those who heard his voice and followed his word will go into eternal life in the new heaven and new earth; (Mt 25:31-46)  “and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” (Rev. 21:4, NASB) 

“Suffering | Definition of Suffering in English by Oxford Dictionaries.” 2019. Oxford Dictionaries | English. Oxford Dictionaries. Accessed January 2.
“Death | Definition of Death in English by Oxford Dictionaries.” 2019. Oxford Dictionaries | English. Oxford Dictionaries. Accessed January 2.
“Intensive Care Unit | Definition of Intensive Care Unit in English by Oxford Dictionaries.” Oxford Dictionaries | English. Accessed January 2, 2019.