Thursday, June 21, 2012

I Need to Pray with People

Yesterday afternoon I was spending time in the word of God and read John chapters 6-8. After reading I began to pray and while in prayer I had this overwhelming compulsion to go out with the cross. Earlier I had been thinking about doing just that, but was unsure of weather I would or not because of time constraints. The church I am attending is Sylvania Church in Tyler, TX and on Wednesday nights they have a dinner from 5:00-6:00 pm; prayer and bible study from 6:00-7:00 pm and I really wanted to attend, it just so happens that the bible study this week was on (loving your neighbor). The time, when I had finished reading my bible and praying was about 4:15, and I needed a shower before departing home, but had this compulsion to go out with the cross. So I took a shower and got dressed, by this time it was 4:40, so I really was out of time. So I got into my truck and continued to have this compulsion to go out with the cross and particularly, on a corner I had gone to a couple of times before, but have not been to for about a month. The last time I was on this corner the environment was hostile to the gospel and even wound up leading to a conversation that I had previously written about. I spent time in prayer while driving and decided that I would stay on the corner until 5:15 then go to the church dinner.

I arrived at my destination at 4:55, took up my cross and headed to the corner of Loop 323 & Paluxy in Tyler, TX near Starbucks. The environment was much different than the last time I was there; many people were waving and I didn’t notice any insults. If you have ever done any street evangelism this is very strange. I had planned to stay until 5:15, so I was looking at the time, it was 5:13, and a car with a young woman age 24-30 pulled up behind me and began calling me to her. I walked over to her car and she said, “Are you here with a church?” I told her, “I go to Sylvania Church in Tyler, TX but I was out on the street as an individual witnessing for Christ”. She said, “I just wanted to thank you for what you are doing, my mother died in a car accident six weeks ago and my niece was with her and both of her legs are broken. Will you pray for her?” I assured her that I would, handed her a John 3:16 gospel tract, she departed, and I went back to the corner. The remaining time on the corner I spent in prayer calling out to God on behalf of this young women; praying for her salvation as I did not know her heart, praying for the Holy Spirit to give her comfort over the loss of her mother, and asking the Lord to heal her niece’s legs.

I have to tell you that I felt a little overwhelmed and taken back, I realized that God put me on that corner for that young woman. Now I must admit to you some mistakes I made, and have repented from; the Lord taught me much through this encounter. First of all, I didn’t get her name, her mother’s name, or her niece’s name because I didn’t ask. Secondly I should have prayed with her, I am very standoffish towards women when out evangelizing, when I will boldly talk with men, out of fear of falling into temptation. Thirdly and fore mostly I should have talked with her about the Lord, all though I did give her a tract. From now on, if you ask me to pray for you, I will ask you for your name and will pray with you, and I will also talk with you about the Lord no matter who you are.

Now, to this young woman; the Lord loves you, He sent His Son to die in your place. The love we express as people in this world is faulty, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him” (Romans 5:8-9). I am committing myself to go to the Lord in prayer on your behalf everyday for the remainder of the month of June, today is June 21, 2012. I will be praying for your salvation that you may know the Lord, I will be praying for the Lord to give you comfort in your loss, and for the Lord to heal your niece. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel”. (Jesus)

Mike Peek a slave of Jesus Christ