I named this blog, “The Nurse Theologian” because I have a bachelor’s degree in nursing and a master’s degree in theological studies. The apostle Paul said: “Brethren, each one is to remain with God in that condition in which he was called.” (1 Cor.7.24, NASB) I was called while a Registered Nurse; therefore, I continue working with the infirmed and I was called into Christian ministry; therefore, I study that I may accurately handle the word of truth. (cf. 2 Tim.2.15, NASB)
My typical week is very busy, but I have time to write on Saturday mornings after completing a run. I would like to make this blog into a weekly journal retrospective of the past week. These will simply be the thoughts, actions and pictures taken during a week by a middle aged-Christian man; who works as a Registered Nurse in an outpatient Cardiac/Pulmonary rehab; who continually studies the Bible, church history, systematic theology and practical theology; who travels overseas 3-4 times a year to teach pastors. However, do to the nature of my work and ministry there will be things that I cannot mention. I do not expect anyone to read what I write but if anyone does may God get all glory.
It has my habit to rise early in the morning and read the Scriptures before doing anything else. This week I read 1 Corinthians 12-16, 2 Corinthians and Galatians. Several years ago, the Lord put into my heart and mind to memorize the Gospel of John; therefore, for retention, I recite a chapter a day, and this week I recited chapters 1-7. After this, I like to spend my prayer time writing a letter to our Father God in the name of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Following this time of devotion, on five days a week I go for a run. This week I rested on Monday and Friday; on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I ran 8 kilometers, each of those days; and on Sunday and Saturday morning I ran 12 kilometers; my average pace for the week was 4:53 per kilometer. Following my run, I have a bowl of granola cereal.
One month ago, I decided to learn Spanish to aid in ministry; I am assisting with the teaching of pastors through an interpreter in a Spanish speaking country. A new Christian book store (Mardel) opened recently in Tyler, Texas. While perusing the shelves I came to the Spanish section and noticed a bilingual copy of the Gospel of John in English and Spanish side by side in the same book. I purchased the book and decided that I would attempt (Lord willing) to memorize the prolog in Spanish and have been working on this all week; so far, I can recite the first 4 verses in Spanish.

This morning I read through Galatians and there were two passages that really stuck out in my mind: “a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus,” (Gal.2:16) “For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” (Gal.5:13)Here is the truth that we should take from these passages: We are not saved by anything that we do but by the Grace of God alone, in Jesus Christ alone, through faith alone; however, this does not mean that we should continue in sin, for we have freedom from sin in Jesus Christ.